Sojourning with Stillness: First Noticings

Stillness. What does it mean to you? More than quiet? Silence? “Wind Power” mural, part of City Centre Mural Trail, Glasgow, Scotland. photo by anne richardson

Embarking on the Journey

ONE: taking off: a long plane flight begins with bustle. announcements. checks and double-checks. first pass through by attendants. second pass. plane ascends above the clouds. engines thrum and soon it is white noise. comforting. time shifts. passengers settle. a hush descends. middle flight. some doze. some talk quietly…a low buzzing matching the engine. stretching. bathroom breaks. it is a stillness. a shared space of between. though we are all coming from and going to, we are suspended. even with the modern ability to connect in the sky, we are still disconnected. on some level we all know that. trust the pilots to pilot. trust our wisdom to let our spirits be still.


Heart of stillness includes listening to Trees, like this beauty at the Glasgow Botanical Gardens. photo by anne richardson

Discerning Stillness

TWO: stillness isn’t quiet. or silence. (though it can include both.) it is about slowing. shifting perspective. ask tree what stillness is. or stone. bumblebee. river. ocean. my first thought: stillness is below the surface even if a cacophony rages above. a windy day swaying trees whispered to me, “this is stillness. listen close.” i will be listening close on this sojourn. i am in apprentice mode.

Reflection on the River Kelvin, one of the rivers that flows through Glasgow. What stillness lies below the surface? photo by anne richardson.

Meeting Mentors Everywhere

THREE: this gentleman playing his instrument for “donations” was my mentor/teacher today. folks toss in coins and keep walking. i made my contribution and stayed to listen. really listen. asked permission to take his photo. and then he played me a melody. a haunting and beautiful melody that i know (Our Farewell.) had tears rising to the surface. deep gratitude offered. stillness is stopping amid the hurried pace of city life and listening to the music. each note as it hangs in the air.

My “stillness” mentor—street musician. photo by anne richardson

A Brief Wisdom Offered

FOUR: kindness is entwined with stillness.


this is a brief post (please forgive typos!) more in poetic form as i begin to breathe in my lessons. this layover in Glasgow, Scotland has been a gift. a chance to catch my breath…and catch up on sleep.

tomorrow i travel by train to meet my fellow West Highland Way walkers in Milngavie. we set out on Sunday. the forecast is for rain, much like the weather i left behind in the Pacific NW. it will still be a delight because…walking on the land. and forecasts are not always accurate, right?

i’ll try to post quick updates on Instagram, as it will be after the walk (Sat, May 22nd) before I have a block of time to blog, so follow along there if you please.

remember, be kind and gentle to you!

in gratitude,


For Your Reflection

  1. How can you invite more stillness into your life? What would that look like? Feel like?