Presentations and Public Speaking
Reading at Grief Rites monthly readers series, August 2019.
Anne has more than a decade of experience presenting her expertise in a variety of professional settings. These include conferences, chapter meetings, staff meetings and smaller, more intimate gatherings like retreats, memorial services, funerals and poetry readings. Anne creates presentations for both large and small groups on topics she is passionate about and in a way that engages her audience whether seated in rows, around tables or gathered in less formal ways. Anne comes prepared, yet is open to what may unfold in the moment with a particular group.
Recent presentations include:
The Art of Compassionate Communication in Caregiving. An Approach to Engage in Difficult Conversations. Oregon Care Partners Speaker Series, June 2024.
Let’s Talk About Grief & Loss: Ambiguous Loss, Disenfranchised Grief & The Importance of Connection. Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon. June 2023.
Anticipatory Grieving, Ambiguous Loss & Disenfranchised Grief in Dementia Care. Oregon Health Care Association’s Spring Expo. April 2023.
Anticipatory Grieving & Ambiguous Loss in Dementia Care as part of Oregon Care Partners Speaker Series, September 2022.
Labyrinths in Healthcare: Response, Respite & Resource. Providence St. Vincent Spiritual Care Team, Portland, Oregon. Education and experiential presentation offered as in-person and remote hybrid, August 2021.
The Labyrinth: Ancient Archetype, Modern Metaphor for Journeying Through Grief. NW Association of Death Education and Bereavement Support and Lewis & Clark Center for Community Engagement, July 2020.
Anticipatory Grieving in Dementia Care. HOPE, A Dementia Support Group, August 2019 & online March 2021 & March 2022.
Reflect-Pause-Release. Walking the Labyrinth, An Experiential Workshop. Lewis and Clark College, September 2018.
Walking the Labyrinth: A Path for Meditation and Reflection. Fort Vancouver Community Library, April 2018. Revised for Rose Schnitzer Tower, July 2019.
Honoring & Befriending Grief as We Age. Retirement Connection, Senior Service Network-Clark County, Washington's monthly meeting, February 2018.
Poetry: A Common Language for Exploring Grief. Oregon Health Care Association Conference, September 2017.
Grief Rites, where she read poems and a personal reflection, August 2019, January 2019, August 2017.
Reconnecting with Joy and Beauty After Loss. The final event of Erin Leichty’s exhibition, “Re-Connection” at Waterstone Gallery, April 2017.
Sacred Medicine: Poetry as a Pathway to Deeper Healing. All-State Palliative Care Conference, June 2016. Association of Professional Chaplains, Oregon-North Chapter, March 2017.
Story Beat LIVE!, an event hosted by the Northwest Narrative Medicine Collaborative, where one of her poems was selected, September 2016.
Walking the Labyrinth-A Path for Healing and Reflection. Association of Professional Chaplains, Oregon-North Chapter, March 2013.
Caring for Wounded Souls at End of Life: Coming Alongside Those With PTSD and Moral Injury. Presented to Serenity Hospice staff.
“Stewardship of a Life: Is Saying ‘No’ Part of Stewardship?” Breakout session panel member at the Kaiser Permanente Northwest and the Center for Ethics in Health Care Conference, April 2012.