About Anne Richardson
Anne Richardson, M.A., is a board certified chaplain, certified spiritual director, certified Veriditas labyrinth facilitator, Reiki master and poet based in Portland, Oregon. Anne established Nurture Your Journey in 2016 after working in home hospice for more than seven years.
Image by Doug Richardson
Anne earned a Masters of Art in Christian Education and her Certificate in Spiritual Direction from George Fox Evangelical Seminary (now Portland Seminary.) Her chaplain certification is through the Association of Professional Chaplains. She also has a certificate in Palliative Care Chaplaincy Specialty from CSU Institute of Palliative Care at California San Marcos, advanced labyrinth facilitator certification through Veriditas, home of the labyrinth movement, and Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master certification. Additional training includes of two years at the VA Portland Health Care System with one year as a fellow focusing on veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Moral Injury. In March 2023 she completed the University of Minnesota’s professional development training course: Ambiguous Loss: Its Meaning and Application, based on the work of Pauline Boss, PhD. In February 2021 she completed The Principles of Collective Trauma Healing (online) course through The Academy of Inner Science. She also volunteers as a small group facilitator in the Pathways program at the Dougy Center for Grieving Children.
A selection of her presentations include: Anticipatory Grieving & Ambiguous Loss in Dementia Care as part of Oregon Care Partners Speaker Series, The Labyrinth: Ancient Archetype, Modern Metaphor for Journeying Through Grief to NW Association of Death Education and Bereavement Support and Lewis & Clark Center for Community Engagement, Anticipating Grieving in Dementia Care to HOPE, A Dementia Support Group (repeated offering,) Reflect-Pause-Release. Walking the Labyrinth, An Experiential Workshop, at Lewis and Clark College, Walking the Labyrinth: A Path for Meditation and Reflection at Fort Vancouver Community Library and Rose Schnitzer Tower, Honoring & Befriending Grief as We Age to Retirement Connection, Senior Service Network-Clark County, Sacred Medicine: Poetry as a Pathway to Deeper Healing at the Oregon All-State Palliative Care Conference and to the Association of Professional Chaplains, Oregon-North Chapter, Poetry: A Common Language for Exploring Grief at the Oregon Health Care Association Convention and presented Walking the Labyrinth: A Path for Healing and Reflection to the Association of Professional Chaplains, Oregon-North Chapter. Her interest in grief and loss as it unfolds at all times in our lives, from birth to death, and reflecting on healthy ways to journey through grief is one of her many passions.
Anne participates in writing workshops, through Corporeal Writing and is a fan of Words for Healing (formerly Portland Women Writers—where she used to host guest workshops.) She is an award winning poet and published writer.
“ I am amazed by the stories entrusted to me by those in times of transition, whether that be the end of life journey, major life changes (death or illness of loved ones, exploring new concepts of the Holy, empty nest, divorce, retirement, etc.) or even gently uncovering and manifesting dreams and hopes.
My intention is to offer sacred space for others to nurture their voice, heal wounded places deep inside and create a non-judgmental and open environment to explore the life path unfolding before them. I offer this in both individual and group settings.
Because of my work in hospice, I also have a deep interest in grief and loss as it unfolds at all times in our lives, from birth to death, and reflecting on healthy ways to journey through grief.
My own transformational journey has led me to the power of poetry as a source of healing. I have had the honor of sitting in circles with those who “never wrote before,” but in safe space poured onto the paper words from the soul. Often as the writer shared them out loud, they were startled at what flowed onto the page. For some, it was the first time they had heard their “inner” voice. Though I draw on many tools in my work, use of poetry as a healing balm is one of my favorites. Through poetry I found my voice and I have heard the voice of others. It has forever changed me.”